Πέμπτη 29 Μαΐου 2014

Shaolin Wing Chun Kung Fu is a Dim Mak system.

Shaolin Wing Chun Kung Fu is a Dim Mak system. The system is renowned for not employing brute strength or force against force, therefore, a practitioner will prefer to attack the soft targets (pressure points), rather than using brute force to stop an opponent. When the Manchus invaded China in 1644, the monks developed wing chun to kill their enemy. Initially, Bil Gee Dim Mak, Butterfly swords and dart knives were employed to dispose of their enemy, quickly and efficiently.
Centre line theory, one of our major principles, is not only used to gain the straight line attack and the shortest distance of travel, but also employed to protect our major striking targets along the centre line. Also, attacking along the centre line will automatically direct your strikes to your opponent's pressure points.
As one becomes learned with dim mak knowledge, he or she must also be academic in revival techniques and antidotes.
If a person has studied acupuncture or acupressure, he or she will have comprehensive knowledge on pressure point locations.
Understanding the 5 phases of nature, cosmology, (your relationship with the 5 seasons and the characteristics of each season), and Internal Organ relationship with the 24 hour cycle, will be of major significance in understanding Dim Mak striking.

One of the most important fundamental principles of wing chun is to guard the center-line. The center line protection of shaolin wing chun kung fu is utmost imperative. From the illustration, one can observe the pressure points lying along the center-line. There are various susceptible pressure points in the arms, legs and back of torso and head, that are also employed in dim mak self protection.
The prospective practitioners of this ancient secret must also bear in mind that the mastery of these techniques is only possible through long hours of hard training with patience, study and perseverance.

A person must be responsible for his action. Passing this knowledge on, to undeserving people, will create immense social and physical trauma.

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